Doing back exercises can give you a healthy back, the right
back exercise program for your condition. If you have a bad back, you may just
need an exercise program to help strengthen and stretch your back muscles.
There are many types of back strengthening exercises from aquatic therapy,
Pilates, yoga, core support and core stabilization work.
Back Pain can be frustrating and debilitating, here are 6 easy exercises for back pain to help you get back on the correct path to a healthier back.. These 6 easy exercise can be done in your own home and no equipment is required.
Up Back Rotation
Before you begin your
exercise it is very important to warm up the spine, so I recommend sitting on
the floor or mat with your legs crossed in your most comfortable position and
your arm on either side of your knees, hanging and relax your shoulders.
Then start moving your shoulders in a clockwise position,
starting out with a small circular motion, slowly making your circle bigger.
Close your eyes to feel your momentum. Continue this for 1 minute and then stop
and center yourself and then begin the rotation in an anti clockwise position.
Again start out with just small circles, getting bigger and bigger, again for
another minute.
Side Stretches
Once you have warmed up your back from the side rotation exercise, lift your right hand straight up above your head and lean over to the left, putting the left and on the floor as your momentum takes your to the left, keep you back as straight as possible and slowly stretch your side, hold for 15 seconds and return back to your center position.
Repeat on the other side, raise your left hand up above your head and lean over to the right, hold for another 15 seconds .
Repeat this exercise 5 times on each side and now you are ready for some
Butterfly stretch is an easy way to give your back some immediate back pain relief.
To do the butterfly stretch all that you need is a little bit of room to stand
up and stretch.
First place your hands, palms down, on your shoulders. Keep
your hands in place, without moving, as you bring your elbows together in front
of you. The closer your elbows come to each other the tighter your back will
feel. Once you feel a strong stretch you should hold it for at least five
Repeat this move 9 or
10 times for maximum back pain therapy.
Lie on your back with
your knees bent and pointing straight up, with your feet close to your butt.
Your feet should be parallel to each other and the same distance apart as your
knees (about 6").
Lift your hips and press down with your feet to help lift
your hips up off the ground. Your feet, arms, shoulders, and head should remain
on the ground.
Hold this pose for as long as you can and remember to breathe
in this pose. If you cant get your hips off the ground very far then place a blanket or a yoga block under the arch of your spine, just to release your hips a little further.
Focus on expanding the chest as you inhale, and scooping in your
belly as you exhale.
To release the pose, unclasp your hands and simply lower
your hips to the mat.
This is a very relaxing
pose and a wonderful release for your back, lie on your back with your knees
and hips bent and your feet flat on the ground.
Have your arms in the
crucifix position, now rotate your knees to one side and hold the position for
30 seconds, make sure you keep your shoulders on the floor.
Then reverse this position by rotating your hips to the
other side and hold it for another 30 seconds.
Repeat this exercise 5 times, preferable 2 times a day.
and Cow
Begin with your hands
and knees on the floor. Make sure your knees are under your hips, and your
wrists are under your shoulders. Begin in a neutral spine position, with your
back flat and your abs engaged.
As you inhale, let your belly soften, arch your back, and
lift your head and tailbone. This part of the stretch is called cow.
With an exhale, round your spine up to the ceiling pulling
your abs toward your spine, and simultaneously tuck your tailbone in and tuck
your chin toward your chest. This part is known as cat.
Continue flowing back and forth from cat to cow, breathing
deeply so as not to rush each movement.
These are 5 wonder easy exercises for back pain and these should be done first thing in the morning to wake up your back and then again at night, it can be done in front of the TV.
A wonderful position to finish your progran with is Child Pose.
Child s Pose
This is a wonderful position to relieve your back pain at
any time.
Kneel on your mat with your knees hips-width distance apart,
and your big toes touching behind you.
Take a deep breath in
and as you exhale, lie your torso down onto your thighs. Try to lengthen your
neck and spine, by drawing your ribs away from your tailbone, and the crown of
your head away from your shoulders.
Rest your arms beside your legs, with palms facing up, or
try extending your arms out in front of you. I also like to separate my knees
and bring my arms between my legs, and turn my head to the side so my cheek is
on the mat. Each of these variations will stretch your back, neck, and
shoulders differently, so try them all to see which one you like best.
Stay here for five breaths or longer, and once you've had
enough, you can inhale to lift your torso up.